A site dedicated to games played by Sckoarn and a contact place for those that play with or know him.
Update to the Sudoku Puzzle game script. Fixed one bug and added game printing option. Full source is now provided, so you can look at what is behind this little application. Also for those UNIX and Linux users, the script may have to be modified to work ... it has not been proven. Please feel free to comment on the forums any success in doing so.
April 14/2006
I have created a Sudoku Puzzle game, written in tcl\tk, an industry standard scripting language. Initially I would like to offer a free copy of the program. See the Sudoku page for details, and feel free to comment on the program on the forums.
March 31/2006
Some Screen Shots Added
Over the past few months I have been taking screen shots. It is not as easy as it sounds, specialy when things are moving. When you are busy fighting for your life, last thing you think about is a screen shot. I have been practicing. Put up a link to a few which I hope to update as I get more interesting ones.
March 3/2005
The Site gets a Lift off.
I finally got around to making a front page and adding some links to various things related to what I do .... play games. Hope you can take a moment to visit and register on the forums. I have been collecting some screen shots from with in WoW and will be posting some up for veiwing.
I know this is kind of simple and even lame but, it is a start.
Jan 20 / 2005
You are the person to visit my
homepage! Please feel free to send me an